Author Archives: Bernd Potschka

Camp David
Curious for the new winter collection of Camp David? It has been in our Studio today

Angela Merkel & Enrique Peña Nieto
Facing conflicts with the US politics. The German chancelor Angela Merkel is visiting the Mexican President Enrique Peña Nieto

(Deutsch) Die Erben Richard Wagners

Budowa Museum II Gdansk
An ehibition that opened today in Gdansk. The polish government claims it not to be patriotic enough so it is likely it will be closed soon. Tom happened to be there for RTL4 (Netherlands). He´s happy to witness this enourmous piece of work!

Gauck. The President
A production of First German TV, we´ve been partly involved with. To be seen tomorrow (10.1.17 10.45pm – German time) at ARD-

Lost in Translation
At the moment we are covering the last official journey of the German President Joachim Gauck to Japan.

German Defense Minister visiting Iraq

Bye Bye Baghdad
Heading to Erbil Iraq

Bagdad Iraq
Today Tom Kahmann is covering as a cameraman the journey of the german defense minister Ursula von der Leyen, who is visiting Iraq right now. Later she will have a meeting in Bagdad with the president of Iraq Dr Mohammed Fuad Masum.